
Academic Writings (Masters in Mindfulness. Bangor University)


Year One. Foundation. Assignment One.


A reflective summary of 1) your experience of engaging in the mindfulness-based programme during this module, and 2) your own mindfulness practice ‘journey’ during this module. 2000 words

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Year One. Foundation. Assignment Two.


An essay which integrates detailed examples of your personal experience of mindfulness practice with the wider, theoretical rationales which underpin the eight-week course. 3500 words

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Year One. Buddhist Background. Assignment One.


What role does poetry play in mindfulness and the transformation of suffering?  Presentation.

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Year One. Buddhist Background. Assignment Two.


Critically investigate and describe how an understanding of certain elements of traditional Buddhist theory and practice might enrich the theory and practice of mindfulness as a clinical approach. 3000 words.

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Year Two. Mindfulness and the Brain. Assignment One.


How can research on mindfulness and the brain inform the teaching of mindfulness-based approaches? Presentation.

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Year Two. Mindfulness and the Brain. Assignment Two.


How can research on mindfulness and the brain inform the teaching of mindfulness-based approaches. 2000 Words

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Year Two. Mindfulness and the Brain. Assignment Three.


How to help the brain love Itself.

An investigation into the neural and cognitive mechanisms of self-compassion, in relation to an understanding of mindfulness-based approaches, leading to possible learnings in the area of depression and suicidality, especially among young men. 4000 words.

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