Experiencing Mindfulness Course

Would you like to experience some of the benefits of mindfulness? - reduced stress, greater resilience, lower levels of worry, increased focus, improved working memory, better cognitive flexibility and greater relationship satisfaction....?

Full information here -

Mode of delivery – Online

Timing – Three sessions. 75 minutes each.
January 2025 dates – Monday, 13th, 20th and 27th January. Sessions start at 7.30 pm UK.

Who should attend? – Relevant for anyone. Either those new to mindfulness or interested in a refresher.

Areas covered –

  • a) Paying Attention, On Purpose, With Curiosity and Care :
    - What is attention?
    - Attention as a gateway to experience
    - Where and how we choose to place our attention shapes our experience
    - Attention as a foundational skill for life

    b) Perspective: Learning new ways of being :
    - How we can learn to take different perspectives
    - Different ways of knowing/being as a foundation for wisdom and self-care.

    c) Responding (not reacting) :
    - Responding skilfully as a practice for all aspects of our life.
    - Recognising, allowing and de-centring from our experience is a key step in
    responding rather than reacting
    - Understanding the context in any moment powerfully shapes our capacity to respond

    Course Outcomes –
    - Detailed understanding of the mindfulness process
    - An understanding of the relationship between cognitive and experiential
    processes and how to apply this in everyday life
    - Guidance on how to proceed with individual meditations and contemplations,
    to support beneficial, mindful behaviours moving forward

    What have people said? -
    'Nick provided valuable and calm insight around techniques and exercises which were easy to practice.'
    'Thanks, Nick – It was a thoroughly enjoyable and well-run course, with some very helpful everyday activities to apply the theory into practice.'

    (see more testimonials on the menu, on this website)

    Max 15 people per group. 

    £70 per person

    Very happy to chat through this in more detail.

    Warmly. Nick


    +44 7920 257908