Guided Meditations
The Body Scan. 11 mins
The body scan meditation involves bringing attention to sensations occurring in different parts of the body. This practice can help you become more aware of your bodily sensations, feelings, emotions and thoughts.
A Mountain Meditation. 15 mins
According to Jon Kabat-Zinn, a good way to achieve mindfulness is through visual meditation techniques - one of these is the Mountain Meditation. The purpose of the Mountain Meditation is centred around grounding and accessing our inner strength and stability when faced with stressful and challenging circumstances both internal and external.
Sounds and Thoughts Meditation. 5 mins
Sounds are as compelling as thoughts and just as immaterial and open to interpretation. The Sounds and Thoughts Meditation elegantly reveals how the mind conjures up thoughts that can so easily lead us astray. Once you realize this – deep in your heart – then a great many of your troubles will simply evaporate before your eyes.
A Befriending Meditation. 6 mins
This meditation is all about utilising the feelings and sensations associated with friendship (that we typically experience towards others) in order to practise kindness towards ourselves.
A Lake Meditation. 10 mins
In the lake meditation, we sit with the intention to hold in awareness and acceptance all the qualities of mind and body, just as the lake sits held, cradled, contained by the earth, reflecting sun, moon, stars, trees, rocks, clouds, sky, birds, and light, — caressed by the air and wind.
The Three-Step Breathing Space. 3 mins
The three step breathing space (Recognising,Gathering and Expanding) can be the first step in responding wisely, rather than simply reacting. It provides a way to step out of automatic- pilot mode when dealing with difficulties, and to reconnect with the present moment and our own innate wisdom.
Thoughts and Emotions Meditation. 8 mins
For this guided meditation, we will begin with awareness of the breath. Then, we will expand our field of awareness to include thoughts. Finally, we will add guidance for bringing mindfulness to mental states and emotions.
Mindfulness of Body and Breath. 7 mins
Description goes herA soothing, gentle, and effective guided meditation of breath and sensations. The invitation is to cultivate focus, clarity of mind, and present-moment awareness by learning to attend to the body, and allow thoughts to come and go without harsh self-criticism.
Exploring Difficulty Meditation. 8 mins
This meditation encourages you to address scenarios that unnerve you and gently notice the sensations that arise in the body. By turning towards negative situations with this psychological tool, you may find this beneficial for dealing with stress rather than over-analyzing difficult, uncertain situations
Mindful Movement. 45 mins.
The value of mindful movement is that whatever the physical activity, you can move and breathe in a way that shifts you from feeling busy and distracted to feeling connected, embodied, and grounded. This practice is one example, but moving mindfully is possible with any type of bodily movement
A Bodyscan. 30 mins.
Body scanning involves paying attention to parts of the body and bodily sensations in a gradual sequence from feet to head. By mentally scanning yourself, you bring awareness to every single part of your body, noticing any aches, pains, tension, or general discomfort.
3 Minute Breathing Space
The 3 Minute Breathing Space is a mini meditation for the purpose of stepping out of automatic pilot and reconnecting with the present moment. This practice can be very useful when negative thought patterns arise, attempting to push you into a downward spiral of emotional reactivity.
A Sitting Meditation. 15 mins
We tend to see body, breath, and mind separately, but in meditation they become one. The first thing to pay attention to is the body position during sitting. How you position your body has a lot to do with what happens with your mind and your breath. goes here
A Ten Minute Body Scan
A body scan is a wonderful way of developing skills such as embodied awareness (i.e., being able to sense yourself), concentration, and focused attention. Plus, body scanning is a powerful interoceptive and exteroceptive practice that can be used pre-movement and/or to reduce stress.